How to hide Facebook photos using iPhone or Android

Jun 17, 2014 · Facebook allows you to change the privacy settings of your facebook photos. This simple video tutorial explains how you can use this feature to hide photos on facebook from the public or other I would like to allow ONLY my friends to like or comment on my profile picture and cover photo. I do not want the public to see who has liked or commented on my profile picture. So far my entire page is kept private from everyone, but my friends, however when I view my page as the public, I can still see who has commented on my public pictures. The easiest way is to go to privacy settings and set it to only me. Here’s how to do it. 1. Go to your profile and click Photos. 2. Click Albums. 3. Use the audience selector tool under each album to choose "Only Me", so that only you will be able Jun 09, 2016 · The new "Hide From Your Timeline" feature that's currently being tested does pretty much exactly what it says it does — that is, it hides a status from your Timeline. Why hide Tagged Photos on Facebook? Well, for a mere reason that the photos may not be suitable for public viewing. People do not think twice before tagging you, and you may not be comfortable with those pictures and this is the biggest reason you want to hide tagged photos on Facebook. Is your Facebook Account Secure? Paint a Rock Hide a Rock Day has 3,095 members. Painted Rocks have spread around the world creating smiles and chain reactions of kindness. Let’s all

How to protect your profile picture and cover photo - BT

How to protect your profile picture and cover photo - BT Jan 11, 2018

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Aug 19, 2019 · Facebook makes it possible to like individual user posts as well as public events and interest pages. Unfortunately, Facebook does not allow you to hide likes on individual user posts. However, you can remove likes from your activity log, and you're able to hide any likes you make to public profiles and interest pages. Mar 24, 2019 · The steps to privatizing your personal likes on Facebook are rather simple. In order to hide your likes: First, log in to Facebook with the proper credentials. Next, click on your profile’s avatar/image located in the bar toward the top of the page. The avatar/image will be accompanied by your display name and be to the right of the search box.