FISA court's rebuke of the FBI: It broke or ignored the rules and our rights BY Andrew C. McCarthy, opinion contributor 12/18/19 09:30 AM EST National Security

Former FBI Director James Comey conceded he was "overconfident" in his defense of the FBI's use of the FISA court to investigate members of the Trump campaign for Russian interference in the 2016 FBI's secret court that allowed Trump targeting needs 2019-12-10 · The FISA court “created a secret body of law giving the National Security Agency the power to amass vast collections of data on Americans,” the New York Times reported in 2013 after Edward It's Official: FISA Court Says Warrants Issued Against 2020-1-23 · The FISA court officially acknowledged Thursday that the FBI submitted false information when obtaining warrants to surveil Trump campaign aide Carter Page. Therefore, the FISA …

FISA Court: We Approve 99 Percent Of Wiretap Applications : The Two-Way But, the secret court explained in a letter, it demanded changes to many requests during meetings with …

2018-12-21 · The FISA court is a highly secretive panel of 11 federal judges whose primary responsibility is to decide whether the U.S. government has enough evidence against foreign powers or individuals believed to be foreign agents to allow for their surveillance by the intelligence community. FISA court slams FBI conduct in Carter Page surveillance 2019-12-17 · The typically ultra-close-lipped Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court slammed the FBI for mistakes it made in the Carter Page surveillance warrants and ordered the agency to detail how it will

FISA Court Reprimands FBI, But Makes a Notable Error Itself

FISA court's rebuke of the FBI: It broke or ignored the rules and our rights BY Andrew C. McCarthy, opinion contributor 12/18/19 09:30 AM EST National Security 'I Was Wrong': Former FBI Director James Comey Admits … Former FBI Director James Comey conceded he was "overconfident" in his defense of the FBI's use of the FISA court to investigate members of the Trump campaign for Russian interference in the 2016