The Tunnel Broker model is based on dedicated servers called Tunnel Brokers that automatically manage tunnel requests coming from users. The most common usage of the phrase is in reference to IPv6, where a tunnel broker provides IPv6 tunnels to Web sites and users. The Network Working Group defines IPv6 Tunnel Broker in RFC 3053.

OpenWrt Project: Setting up an IPv6 Tunnel with LuCI The procedure below creates a 6in4 tunnel on the WAN6 interface of your router. This automatically wraps (encapsulates) all IPv6 packets inside IPv4 packets, and sends them to a designated tunnel broker server that unwraps them, and forwards them to the destination IPv6 host. MicroNuggets: IPv6 Tunnel Brokers Explained - YouTube Jan 22, 2013 FREENET6 TSP 4. Existing tsps1 users requesting a new prefix allocation from tsps1 will have their tunnel deleted with no automatic way of recovering it. Please contact to have that situation resolved. 5. Existing tsps2 users requesting a new /48 allocation from tsps2 will have one assigned to them but their tunnel endpoint will be changed.

What is a Tunnel Broker? - Definition from Techopedia

OpenWrt Project: Setting up an IPv6 Tunnel with LuCI

There's nothing unusual about the setup you're asking about - The fact that you're using a tunnel broker doesn't change anything. You need to get an IPv6 network allocation from somewhere (your tunnel broker or your ISP - if you need a tunnel broker and don't have one yet Google can find you a dozen or more), and configure your firewall to handle the IPv6 traffic.

FREENET6 TSP 4. Existing tsps1 users requesting a new prefix allocation from tsps1 will have their tunnel deleted with no automatic way of recovering it. Please contact to have that situation resolved. 5. Existing tsps2 users requesting a new /48 allocation from tsps2 will have one assigned to them but their tunnel endpoint will be changed. Setup an IPv6 Tunnel through Hurricane Electric on a Cisco Aug 13, 2013 Configuring a tunnel under Microsoft Windows