Dec 14, 2017 · As FCC Prepares Net-Neutrality Vote, Study Finds Millions of Fake Comments The federal agency is about to decide if all Internet traffic should be treated equally. And yet among 22 million

Net neutrality may be dead, but questions remain about how seriously the Federal Communications Commission considered comments from the public. The FCC's system for submitting those comments was a Techdirt's Comments To The FCC On Net Neutrality And Preserving An Open Internet from the speak-up dept by Mike Masnick While the FCC has thankfully extended its deadline for filing comments on the net neutrality issue through Friday after its site melted down (again), I also wanted to share with you exactly what it is that we're submitting to the FCC. FCC loses legal battle to hide IP addresses of net neutrality comments By Paul Lilly 05 May 2020 The records could reveal if the FCC leaned on fraudulent comments to push through its repeal of net When the FCC first moved to pass the strict net neutrality rules in 2014, it received more than 4 million public comments, a record for the agency for any one proceeding.

Feb 26, 2020 · Is the FCC really going to read the comments and say "Hmm those 93% of people who want net neutrality make some good points"? Overly pessimisic maybe but it feels like it's little more than for show.

A string of federal court cases has made it abundantly clear that the FCC has the power to enforce strong Net Neutrality rules, but only if the FCC goes through the process of undoing a terrible Bush-era decision to deregulate broadband instead of treating it like the vital public utility it has become.

These are the emails of the 5 people on the FCC roster. These are the five people deciding the future of the internet. The two women have come out as No votes. We need only to convince ONE of the other members to flip to a No vote to save Net Neutrality. Blow up their inboxes! Currently PRO Net Neutrality: (thank them!)

Oct 16, 2018 · A new study has found that an overwhelming amount of comments that were left on the Federal Communications Commission‘s (FCC) website ahead of its decision to repeal net neutrality last year A string of federal court cases has made it abundantly clear that the FCC has the power to enforce strong Net Neutrality rules, but only if the FCC goes through the process of undoing a terrible Bush-era decision to deregulate broadband instead of treating it like the vital public utility it has become. Nov 29, 2017 · In FCC chairman Ajit Pai’s race to rollback Obama-era net neutrality regulations, it was revealed Wednesday that more than half of the 21.7 million public comments supporting the rule change Dec 11, 2017 · Net neutrality fight heats up as FCC strike down vote looms. By. Jeffrey Lang-December 11, 2017. Thursday is the expected day for the FCC to vote down net neutrality, and the looming deadline has Apr 22, 2020 · April 22, 2020 – Multiple voices weighed in on the Federal Communications Commission’s public notice seeking comment on its prior net neutrality decision, although public interest and some congressional representatives expressed anger at the agency’s refusal to allow additional time for comments. On Monday, the FCC denied further extensions of time on the agency’s notice […] These are the emails of the 5 people on the FCC roster. These are the five people deciding the future of the internet. The two women have come out as No votes. We need only to convince ONE of the other members to flip to a No vote to save Net Neutrality. Blow up their inboxes! Currently PRO Net Neutrality: (thank them!)